Specialised Hand Tools


1898 Yulee, Florida postal cover

This scarce postal cover, in fine condition, measures 3 1/2" height X 6 1/4" length.

The obverse shows it to be a 2 cent pre-stamped envelope, with a YULEE FLA. MAY 23 1898 circular date stamp. It is addressed to

Mrs John W. Bubb
Fort Sheridan

The reverse shows a FORT SHERIDAN ILL. MAY 25 1898 circular date stamp.

The Yulee post office opened 19 December 1893. In 1898, when this letter was mailed, the population of Yulee was 250.

John W. Bubb was an army officer. A captain in 1894, he eventually reached the rank of general. In 1898, Fort Sheridan, near Chicago, served as a temporary transit centre for troops on their way to fight in the Spanish-American War. Soldiers headed for Cuba were camped at Fort Clinch, Fernandina and at bases in six other Florida cities. Bubb's letter to his wife addressed her in formal, military fashion as Mrs John W. Bubb, also the best way to ensure she received the letter. The Fort Sheridan staff would recognise John W. quickly, whilst perhaps Mrs Bubb's given name with less certainty. In 1898, the only connection between Fort Sheridan and Florida was the Spanish-American War. The lack of a return address on the cover indicates Bubb came to Florida from Fort Sheridan on a mobile mission. Continuous travel precluded his receiving return mail. Therefore, a return address, which would have misled his wife, was omitted.

Jack Tanis, 614 Broome Street, Fernandina Beach, FL 32034-3837, USA
Telephone: 904.261.4628

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